Leadership Qualities - the Identifying Qualities of efficient Leadership
Leadership Qualities - the Explaining Qualities of Effective DirectionWhat are these qualities?
Let me lay it out clearly.
For starters, effective leaders are . . .
1. Humble
2. Decisive
3. Selfless and self sacrificing
4. Empathetic
5. Disciplined
6. Great communicators (the agenda certainly and efficiently is communicated by them)
7. Rational and unprejudiced
8. Maximize the potential of their people by empowering them
9. Encircle themselves with people smarter than they are
10. Do not really care who takes the credit
11. Acknowledge they are infallible and admit mistakes when they make them
12. Have a burning desire to really make a difference . . . a positive difference
This list is by no means exhaustive.
But however long the record of leadership qualities is, I can tell you candidly that without three of these leadership qualities you'll necessarily fail as a leader.
What are these four uncompromising qualities of leadership that is efficient?
2. Acknowledge mistakes when you make them. Take corrective activities, learn from people, and continue on
3. Make the most of the capacity of your people and
4. Be selfless. Serve your folks and your organization. Abhor personal gain.

The urge for personal gain will lead you to the path of failure and will colour your judgment.
To illustrate, consider what happened recently Internal communications strategy in the business where I work.
I work for an international beverage firm with roots in Britain, as I write this. My company's hot chocolate based beverage drink has about 50% share of the country's total cocoa based beverage market. Clearly, it turned into a big operation.
Some two years back, my company's CEO and the finance manager were fired. Why?
Over statement of firm accounts.
The business was not doing well. Instead of telling his managers so, the CEO . . . with the collaboration of the finance director . . . Checked with the accounts to make the business appear good and hence, keep his place as CEO. This situation went on for approximately three consecutive years before the fraud was discovered by external auditors.
And shareholders are told they shouldn't expect dividends for the following two years.
The CEO proved to be a young talented chap who'd been CEO of the firm for more than ten years. He was well respected in the community, even winning the place of "The Most Respected CEO" in my state twice.
What went wrong? What took him down?
1. The want for greater fame, greater visibility, and personal gain.
2. Conceit. He refused to acknowledge he was wrong and wind down generation to match demand and marketplace chances (He had a vision to make the business a billion dollar business by year 2010. Job marathon).
He refused to slow down production when the market wasn't growing as rapidly as generation was growing. The factories kept on making at break-neck speed and the firm kept on acquiring more warehouses to store what was made that could not be accommodated by the market)
3. He surrounded himself with 'yes men' - directors who were at his mercy . . . Managers who stood by and watched while shareholders' life investment went down the drain
Make no mistake about it.
Regardless of how great you now are, no matter how sensible you may be, no matter how many awards you've won, you may fail eventually if you aren't a selfless leader.
Recall all the leadership qualities discussed previously. But whatever you do, do not forget the four leadership qualities that are most important.
You will be a great leader. Powerful leadership is in your reach. It begins by realizing leadership qualities you desire essential for successful leadership.
these characteristics could be learned. This really is your big chance.